Cosmic #13 – Daniel J. Hayes

February 7, 2019

Cosmic #13 - Daniel J. HayesFebruary 21, 2020


Touch & Play, Intentional Communities & The Search of Our Authentic Self

I was looking for a BIG abandoned industrial space for a campaign film I was working on last year. Guillem Ventura, our genius film director put me in touch with Daniel J. Hayes, who had 10,000m2 to offer, including 110 houses, a church, a bar and a dangerous industrial building ready for demolition. Perfect!

What I uncovered is an incredible project in the making and a fascinating human being with a lot of insights and experience to contribute.

A few weeks later, I brought the microphones and a few music tracks to Daniel’s home. We sat down around a cup of tea and talked about his projects and vision. We reached unexpected places.

Sneak peek: epidemiology, animism, intentional communities, consent models, touch & play, the relational body, contact improvisation, currencies, conflict mediation, solar panels… There is more but that should be enough to have you press play:)

I hope this interview invites you to explore the unknown and take steps in the search for your authentic self. I am still just scratching the surface myself and would love to hear how you go about this.

Dance, do more, be cosmic!

Daniel’s projects:

Vidalia – A large scale experiment of how we can live differently as communities

Touch & Play – the movement Daniel grew out of contact improvisation.

References from the discussion

The Wheel of Consent – by Betty Martins

Josep Fericgla – the Catalan anthropologist mentioned by Daniel

The Cofan tribe in Columbia #animism #shamanism

Link to the Spotify playlist

Video Podcast on YouTube:

Link to Video Podcast on YouTube


#047 – Coming in Touch With That Feeling

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