#003 – The Magic Badge


We live in a world where if you wear a tie and represent a large corporation, industry or trade organization, you have physical access to political institutions, and policy-makers. We give lobbyists a little badge so they can enter the building every morning and influence. NGOs & civil society do have access as well - of course - to some degree, in much smaller numbers. Not really fair… right?  Do you know who else doesn’t have fair access to policy-makers? Artists! Artists? Why would artists be given this magic badge? My name is Camille & you’re listening to Cosmic Dynamics - 5 minutes of exploration on art, change & the music of the universe. Last year I interviewed cello player Christine J. Lee in Brussels. We had a very thought-provoking conversation, while listening to music, and one theme we talked about was Fair Access to political institutions. We imagined a world where artists like Christine could enter the Parliament in the morning, with their little badge - little, but magic! Magic because it would allow a street artist to come and paint in the hallway for instance, offering his take on the Green Deal in the language of colors, shapes and emotions; then guide policy-makers through his work via an inauguration event. Magic because, a chef could come an create a concept menu for lunch, offering his take on the energy transition. Black coal-like dressing for starters, moving towards a challenging transition dish, towards desert; where colors, flavours and smells inspire a new bliss.  A musician like Christine, her magic badge, could create and organize a parliamentary coffee break to play a gut reaction to Brexit or the latest immigration policy. Sharing an emotion via the unspoken… Just imagine. The unspoken? Inspiration? Emotions? Some will say that’s not worth knowledge, facts, figures or what science tells us and political influence. I would argue that maybe it’s not either or. How about “and”. Left brain and right brain, working in symbiosis. Wouldn’t political decisions be more sensible, ethical, connected to more diverse realities, more human? On Thursday at 7pm CET, I will mix the best ideas and reflections from my conversation with Christine, so we can explore what the future holds, and very probably feel something. Thursday at 7pm: That’s 6pm in London, 1pm in NY, 10am in LA, 3pm Sao Paulo, 9pm in Istanbul. The live mix will be broadcasted from our website www.cosmic.show. You’ll just have to click on the play button. I will post on social media about it, if you feel like spreading the word, I would greatly appreciate it.  Let me know your thoughts, maybe you have ideas you want to share and turn into reality? Talk to you on thursday!

On Thursday 9th of April at 19:00 CET, I will mix the best ideas and reflections from my conversation with Christine, with music and sounds, so we can explore what the future holds, and very probably feel something.

The live mix will be broadcasted here on our website.

Cosmic Dynamics is also available on Spotify & on podcast apps.

Enjoy the show!




#047 – Coming in Touch With That Feeling

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